Diane’s Birthday

by Diane MAIGROT

  • 30,000

    Funding Goal
  • 7,000

    Funds Raised
  • 0 Days to go
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Moneypot Details

I would love you all to contribute to my present, a paddle! This is the only sport I can do for now 🙂

Name Backed Amount Date
Elsa1012 Maigrot 500 02-11-20
Daniel Maigrot 2,000 27-10-20
Elsa1012 Maigrot 400 25-10-20
Maigrot Alexandrine 2,000 23-10-20
Isabelle de Melo 1,500 23-10-20
Admin Metennkoste 300 23-10-20
Diane MAIGROT 300 23-10-20

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