GAMMA World MMA Championships 2021

by Yassin Takun

  • 350,000

    Funding Goal
  • 52,700

    Funds Raised
  • 0 Days to go
This campaign has been invalid or not started yet.

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Moneypot Details

The Global Association of Mixed Martial Arts (GAMMA) is pleased to announce that the rescheduled GAMMA World MMA Championships 2021 will take place from 23-27 March 2022 in the Dutch capital Amsterdam.


Mauritius has been invited to participate for this competition and we currently have a team of 6 athletes preparing to go represent our quadricolor in Amsterdam.


Unfortunately due to insufficient funding, we are finding ourselves short of money to be able to cover the expenses of all our athletes. We are turning to all Sport Combat Fans and athletes, to help us reach our target so that we can have a chance to show our fighting spirit in Amsterdam against the big countries.


Name Backed Amount Date
Jérôme Thomas 200 16-03-22
Christopher Manuel 250 16-03-22
Alvinesh Jugun 1,000 13-03-22
Anonymous 100 11-03-22
Ibrahim Muhammad Bilaal 1,000 10-03-22
Anonymous 100 10-03-22
Fadil Mullug 200 09-03-22
Joel Dhondee 200 09-03-22
Cedric Cartier 200 08-03-22
Giriraj Caunhye 500 08-03-22
Anonymous 200 07-03-22
Muhammad Yaasir Gonowree 500 06-03-22
Jessica Koonjul 500 04-03-22
Anonymous 500 01-03-22
Anonymous 500 28-02-22
Sheldon Dantier 500 28-02-22
Mohsena Olath-Carramtally 1,000 27-02-22
Sheriza Ramjun 1,000 24-02-22
Guillaume Manvac 200 24-02-22
Anonymous 200 23-02-22
Thomas Sigismeau 500 22-02-22
Anonymous 200 21-02-22
Anonymous 200 21-02-22
Ziyaad Erahdun 500 21-02-22
Sophie Shield-goburdhun 100 21-02-22
Anonymous 200 20-02-22
Rosha Khan 1,000 20-02-22
Anonymous 500 20-02-22
Eric Laffont 200 20-02-22
Lakshana Chamoo 1,000 20-02-22
Anonymous 100 19-02-22
Mukmeer Oozeer 500 18-02-22
Muhsinah Sookun 500 18-02-22
Anonymous 1,000 18-02-22
Anonymous 200 18-02-22
keshav koonjoobeeharry 200 18-02-22
Annea Kevin 1,000 18-02-22
Anonymous 200 18-02-22
Shakeel Hosenbucus 1,000 18-02-22
Shobna Seechurn 100 18-02-22
Anonymous 100 18-02-22
Kamal Soodun 15,000 18-02-22
Mohammad Ziad Jhummun 1,000 18-02-22
Neha Maghoo Munchetty-Chendriah 100 18-02-22
Naazish Sakauloo 1,000 17-02-22
Zarine Kurreemun 500 17-02-22
Nadeem Karimbacus 200 17-02-22
cassim Nazeerah 200 17-02-22
Luqman Lallasaib 200 17-02-22
A Ramjeet 100 17-02-22
Anonymous 1,000 17-02-22
Hanifah Nunkoo 1,000 17-02-22
Anonymous 2,500 17-02-22
Thandeeven Poinen 100 17-02-22
Anonymous 500 17-02-22
Anonymous 200 17-02-22
Ahmad Mubeen Ismael 1,000 17-02-22
Victoire Nicolas 100 17-02-22
Sherifa Cader 500 17-02-22
Yudhish Patroo 200 17-02-22
Shorab Cadersaib 5,000 17-02-22
Keshav Tohooloo 200 16-02-22
Aadil Sohun 1,000 16-02-22
Khalida Sohun 1,000 16-02-22
Dinamanee Samynaden 100 16-02-22
Zuhayrah Sanaa Aubdoolary 200 16-02-22
Soobhun Jaweed 200 16-02-22
Nazeerah Fatadin 100 16-02-22
Muhammad Boolaky 200 16-02-22
Angelina Satinaden 200 16-02-22
Maanav Gunnoo 200 16-02-22
Jaunbocus Tawfiq 100 16-02-22
Peerbaccus Shahir 100 16-02-22
Nilesh Dursany 500 16-02-22
Yassin Takun 50 16-02-22

Messages from contributors

All the best :) –– Keshav Tohooloo

Best of Luck Team –– Sherifa Cader

Supporting a friend –– Victoire Nicolas

Bon couraz! –– Hanifah Nunkoo

Allez Maurice –– Sham Seetaram

All the best –– A Ramjeet

All the best –– Luqman Lallasaib

All the very best! –– Zarine Kurreemun

Bon kuraz zeness! Fer nu fier 👍 –– Shakeel Hosenbucus

Contribution for Irfaan Bany from Aaliyah & Zia –– Annea Kevin

Irfan bany –– Akhtar Fari

All the best –– Mohammad irfaan banny


Wish you all good luck guys –– Rosha Khan

All the best uways! –– Sophie Shield-goburdhun

Wishing you guys all the best –– Thomas Sigismeau

Goodluck guys.... –– Sheriza Ramjun

Good luck friends –– Mohsena Olath-Carramtally

Go get it 💪 –– Sheldon Dantier

Best of luck bro –– Giriraj Caunhye

🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺✊🏼 –– Cedric Cartier

All the best to you. May Allah grant you success. –– Fadil Mullug

I am helping in regards to Sheel’s participation from The BoatSitter ltd of the Hilux Family Mauritius. Good luck guys. Proud of you all –– Ibrahim Muhammad Bilaal

Good luck guys –– Alvinesh Jugun

Courage les gars –– Christopher Manuel