Surprise Boat Trip

par Cedric A. Cunsamy

  • 34,100

    Objectif de financement
  • 6,200

    Fonds recoltés
  • 0 Jours restant
Cette campagne n'est pas valide ou n'a pas encore commencé.

Invit to bann kam partisipe!

Invitez vos amis : Mettez toutes les chances de votre côté pour faire fonctionner votre cagnotte et offrir le plus beau des cadeaux!

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Détails de la cagnotte

Family, Friends, Colleagues !

It’s been time that we last met for a drink, and how nice it would be to get all of us together on for a day at sea.
It is with great pleasure to convey you and your lover to a Catamaran Boat trip scheduled for November. (Tentatively 29th November)

Trip will be on Madiana Catamaran of JPH, departure at 9.00 and back to shore at 3.30, and on the Agenda dolphins, snorkeling, lunch, drinks and Ile aux Benitiers.

Let’s get this rolling and really looking forward for some beers & great food !

Nom Montant Date
Guillaume Rousselin 1,550 26-11-20
Oceanne Preaudet 1,550 06-11-20
Nandita Roopchund 1,550 05-11-20
Cedric A. Cunsamy 1,550 05-11-20

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